10 days onward and ACHIEVED 100% on Japan Crowdfunding!/10日間で目標金額へゴールしました!ミニ動画付
GREAT News Before Bed!
It is 10am in NY / 11pm in Japan.
Are folks in Japan getting ready to go to bed?
Wait a moment! I have a great news!
We succeeded in our crowdfunding in Japan just a couple hours ago!
It’s been only 10 days since we posted the project…
and VOILA! WE RAISED 1,500,000YEN!!!
*US $13,600
I honestly didn’t expected to achieve our goal so quickly…
I am just in awe, feeling love, and simply grateful for every one of you who supported.
Yes YOU! Right there!
Thank you, thank you, million times THANK YOU!!!
*I am unable to see who supposed the project because of the website rules, so please wait a moment for us to say thank you in person. I am sending the deepest appreciation through the air for now!
To cerebrate this achievement, here’s a mini video for you as a gift!
(Thanks to Wak, the editor! This is a perfect lullaby!)
But wait, is the party over?
We honestly could use extra help! (We are not funded enough to cover the entire production, to tell you the truth…)
We will set up a stretch goal shortly, so please stay tuned and send us more love!
The party isn’t over just yet! :)
皆さんはベッドに入る時間帯でしょうか?NYは朝10時です。 ビッグニュースがあります!少し興奮して寝させなくなってしまうかもしれません。。。
日本時間の正午ごろ目標金額を達成しました!! 10日間で150万突破!!
新しいミニ動画でいい夢を見られますように。エディターのワクくん、Jon Sa Trinxaの音楽のチョイスが冴えてます、ハッピーな気分になっちゃうよ♪
Lily’s Photo Letter from Ibiza 去年行ったイビサでの撮影風景をお届け

Do I look like I’m giving a pressure to the cameraman? lol
NO NO, I’m giving a shade for him so he can see the screen better!
私、突っ立ってるだけに見えますが これカメラマンがモニターを見れるように、太陽の光を私の影で隠しているんです。 イビサのジリジリとした灼熱の太陽に、直立で立ち向かいます。

The beautiful sunshine in Ibiza cheers the paradise, but is sometimes too harsh on the film crews…
どーん。立ち続けます。 カメラが回り終わるまで、木の役目を務めます。

Last time I went to Ibiza, it was just me, the camera man, and the producer.
This 26-years-old camera man actually resides in the same apartment building as myself in Brooklyn, NY.
We were simply neighbors, then one day we discovered that we both work in a film industry…and a couple months later? We became A TEAM!
Big thanks to him and the beautiful community of Brooklyn!
前回の撮影では、たった3名で行きました。 実はこのカメラマンは、同じアパートの2階に住む26歳のアメリカ人カメラマン。(私は4階、偶然!なんです)