It’s like reuniting with old friends/サ・トリンサでの出会いは、同窓会のようなもの
『It’s like reuniting with old friends』
He, the legendary Jon Sa Trinxa, has been DJing at Las Salinas Beach in Ibiza for the past 25 years.
Same location, same time, and the good music is guaranteed.
You think it’s just an ordinary music scene on the island?
Well, what makes this legendary man special isn’t just how wonderful his music is, but also the fact that numbers of DJs and his fans come listen to his music from all over the world during summer time.
For John, DJing isn’t a performance : it’s like casually playing his favorite vinyls at his living room.
And seeing his fans and DJ fellows who came back every year?
It’s like reuniting with old friends.
(Who doesn’t want to be his “old friend”, really?)
We will be posting some mini videos before the movie is released, and here’s the first sneak peek of “Jon Sa Trinxa”! Enjoy!
ジョンサトリンサはイビサの最南端サリナスビーチにある サ・トリンサというレストランでDJをし続け25年。
ジョンにとって、ここでのDJは家のリビングでレコードを流している感覚。 そして毎年訪れてくれる人々との再会は同窓会。
映画の本撮影は今年の8月予定ですが、ちょこちょここれまでに撮影した映画の中身を ミニ動画にして皆さんにお届けしたいと思っています。マイクの処理がいまいちなところがありますが、本撮影では気をつけたいと思います!