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Jon Sa Trinxa A Documentary Film

Made in Ibiza & Brooklyn! / イビサとブルックリンで作った木のアート作品

This is our original wooden picture panel that’s exclusively made for the crowdfunding project.


This is called "wood paint", and the picture is directly printed on a piece of wood. It’s 0.6 inches thick, and you can see the beautiful wood grain on the surface. If you actually hold it in your hands, you can feel how substantial it is.

This is a picture taken by our DP, Gabe Harden, with his analog Minolta camera. Last year we went to Ibiza together to grab some shots and pictures, and we selected 4 of our favorites to have them printed on the wood panel! (We are lucky to have such a neat printing plant in our neighborhood of Brooklyn!)


この木のプリントは、本映画のカメラマン(アメリカではDirecter of Photography=DPと呼びます)Gabe HardenがMINOLTAのアナログカメラで撮影したもの。






●サイズは2種類 / They come in 2 sizes.

・小15.24cm × 22.86cm ( small : 6 in x 9 in )

・大20.32cm × 30.48cm (big : 8 in x 12 in )

●デザインは4種類 / There are 4 designs.

1. Sa Trinxa Restaurant : the main location for the film.

映画のメインロケーションとなるサトリンサ・レストラン アナログ写真の味わいが木にもプリントできて嬉しいです

2. The pier : the iconic view from Sa Trinxa Restaurant.

レストラン・サトリンサの象徴である海にかかる桟橋 ジョンは毎日この水平線の先に何を思うのでしょうか

3. A Tree at Las Salinas Beach.

サリナスビーチにある奇跡の一本木 海を見守る日本にはないドライでたくましい木

4. A sculpture at Las Salinas Beach.

サリナスビーチ沿いに作られた彫刻 フランス人のアーティストが掘ったそうです


We only print 9 panels of each design, and they come with serial numbers curved in the back. Isn’t it quite special?

If you supported the crowdfunding project and picked this for the return, please wait for this to arrive at your door in a few months! We can guarantee that this will be a special addition to your interior! :)

Do you have any inquiries about the movie / product?

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