Visiting Montauk, New York
Hallo! The Jon Sa Trinxa movie crew of Lily, Haruna and Aoi are visiting beautiful Montauk NY in the USA.
It's Memorial Day Weekend, an American spring holiday, so the trip from New York City to the beach took us five hours!
Jon will be in Montauk later this summer. We are excited to hear his music and do more shooting!
GOOD VIBES ALWAYS by the beach : )
Our friend, Steven Seagull. We remember him from last time we were in Montauk -- he was hanging out with us last time we interviewed Jon Sa Trinxa on the beach! like jonathan segal, you know, DJ Jon Sa Trinxa 's real name is Jonathan.
The team in matching "Montauk the End" hoodies -- because we're right at the end of Long Island. (It's cold on the beach!)